
WithSmarterPlaylistsyoucancreatenewplaylistsbycombiningawiderangeofmusicsources-artists,albums,genres,pre-programmedplaylistsandfiltering ...,2016年12月18日—ThereisalotofideasonplaylistIwanttohaveandthisdon'tneedtobeveryadvanced.Formeitshouldbeenoughwithifyoucouldaddor ...,2024年3月28日—Essentially,youcouldcreateasmartplaylistandsetupafewsimpleparameterssuchas:Numberofsongsinplaylist(50,100 .....

Smarter Playlists

With Smarter Playlists you can create new playlists by combining a wide range of music sources - artists, albums, genres, pre-programmed playlists and filtering ...


2016年12月18日 — There is a lot of ideas on playlist I want to have and this don't need to be very advanced. For me it should be enough with if you could add or ...

Automated "Smart" Playlists

2024年3月28日 — Essentially, you could create a smart playlist and setup a few simple parameters such as: Number of songs in playlist (50, 100 ...


Given a list of artists (by Spotify ID), add any releases within a specific date range to another playlist while avoiding duplicates.

Smart Shuffle Breathes New Life Into Your Spotify Playlists

2023年3月8日 — It breathes new life into carefully curated playlists, shuffling tracks and adding new, perfectly tailored suggestions. As a bonus, Smart ...

Smarter Playlists For Spotify

2022年11月17日 — Smarter Playlists for Spotify is a third-party app that can be used to create very specific playlists based on a user's listening history on ...


Automatic Spotify Playlists by Rules. ... Create Smart Playlists such as. Saved songs from your fav artist. Mashup of saved songs from 2 artists. Saved songs from ...

Shuffle play

Shuffle any playlist, album, or artist profile to mix up what plays next. Smart Shuffle. For: Mobile (Premium only). Smart Shuffle is play mode that keeps your ...

Smart Playlists?

2022年3月22日 — On desktop you can add playlists to a folder, and then you can play that folder as if it were a playlist.